05 July 2005

What I Did On My Summer Vacation or Evil Orb

So my long weekend was extended by a day due to my lack of flexibility. Saturday I went to Indian Brook to go swimming with my friend, Misa. Rather than ask for help I, in my brilliance decided it would be a good idea to apply sunscreen to my back all by myself. Well, I didn't quite get all of it and 3 hours later the evil orb got the best of me.

The next day, back at Indian Brook I actually asked for help applying my sunscreen and wore a t-shirt. Wet t-shirts don't actually offer any protection but I figured it would be good when I was on the raft and the shirt was dry. My genius mind failed to realize that swimming in a t-shirt might rub the sunscreen off. Here's the result of my brilliance...

Isn't it pretty?
Today my choices included strapping a bra across my back, wearing a bathing suit to work under my clothes, letting the girls go free range or taking the day off; I consider it a vacation day well spent.

I also had some quality time with Bill, Emily, Reba and Ron on Saturday and took my daughter and her friend, Awa, to the fireworks Sunday night. Monday was a day just for Elah and me to have some good quality mom and daughter time. I was over it by Tuesday and took her to school so I could get something accomplished on my extra day off.