28 March 2008

Tampon Crafts

Tampon Crafts


An entire site devoted to crafts that you can make with tampons. It’s so cool when you’re, like, needing a site that you don’t know exists and then you just happen upon it. God bless the interblag.

26 March 2008

I'm Home

And I'm tired, tired, tired. I had so much fun I can't even begin to tell you about it until I've slept for a few days.
Pictures can be found here.

23 March 2008

Happy Easter!

Here's the SFW version.

Here's the NSFW version.

18 March 2008

Chicken & 40

After I get out of work and pick up Elah I don't have time to cook a proper dinner. The solution? I cook the night before, after she goes to bed so I just have to heat it up the next evening. Tonight it's chicken and 40 cloves of garlic.

Step 1
Step 1
Season chicken and brown.

Step 2
Step 2
Peel 40 cloves of garlic.

Step 3
Step 3
Add chicken, garlic and thyme (I used fresh) to Dutch oven and bake at 350 for 90 minutes.
(You can also add a little white wine if you want.)

This dish is the 2 things I love most in a recipe; easy and delicious.

12 March 2008


Do I even knit any more? Not really but I'll get back into it soon. I actually have an FO to show you but I need to take pics.

In the meantime, check out this site. I love clever people.

04 March 2008

Get Out & Vote

Your Vote IS Your Voice
Originally uploaded by D.James | Darren Ryan.

It's Town Meeting time again and VCAM and CCTV are once again collaborating on the Vermont blogging project, Exit Voices.

Exit Voices is a Vermont blogging experiment. In November of 2006, Vermont Community Access Media and the CCTV Center for Media and Democracy joined forces to create an online public forum where Vermonters could discuss the issues and candidates on the ballot in that election cycle. The result was Exit Voices, a moderated community blog specifically designed to be a sounding board for voters who had more to say than just speaking with their votes. The blog featured posts by prominent Vermont bloggers, video interviews with voters exiting their polling places and comments by anyone who cared to participate.

On the evening of the 4th, CCTV (Comcast and Burlington Telecom channel 17 in the greater Burlington area) will include comments and video posts from the blog in its live election night coverage. CCTV's coverage will also be streamed live online at cctv.org.