While reading Margot’s blog I discovered the Dulaan Project. I may complain about how cold it is here, in VT, but it’s nothing compared to
27 May 2005
Put Your Needles To Work
Eat Hufu™
Thanks to Ami for bringing this new (or should I say very old and rediscovered) cuisine to my attention.
I don't know what's worse, that people interested so much time and energy into this project, that there's a demand or that they are currently out of stock and all new orders are backordered. The founder of Hufu™ used to be a practicing lawyer. This is the spot where a lawyer joke would be appropriate but it just seems too easy. The biggest question I have is how do they know that Hufu™ tastes like human flesh? Who, exactly, are their taste testers? That very same question is addressed in their FAQs but not, to my tastes (sorry about the pun), satisfactorily.
I understand that it's my cultural identity that make me abhor the thought of consuming human flesh (fake or not) and that in some cultures it is perfectly acceptable but the very idea of this product gives me the heebie jeebies. That's all I want to say about this.
26 May 2005
Big surprise, the Iranian government doesn’t like blogs. I read a post about Hossein Derakhshan and his blog in the June 2005 Wired. It seems that in 2001 when the Iranian government closed the doors of 12 newspapers many journalists were left without an audience and many readers without their preferred news source. In 2001 Derakhshan, living in
Posted by
E to the M
8:42 AM
23 May 2005
19 May 2005
Same old here, work is a little busy because it’s summer registration. Elah’s not home until Saturday and in the good old days I’d be out with my girlfriends but mostly I’ve just been staying at home, catching up on work and knitting. Tonight I’m going to trivia night at a local bar with a friend I never see (we work opposite shifts). When Elah does come home we’ll be going to the nightmarish purgatory known locally as ‘Kids Day.’ weeeeee
Posted by
E to the M
9:51 AM
18 May 2005
It Puts The Lotion On Its Skin!
This is quite possibly the creepiest knits I've ever seen. They are originally from a 1965 McCall's Needlework & Crafts Magazine but I found the pics at Swapatorium. While all disturbing I think the little girl is the creepiest of all.
15 May 2005
In The Navy
As promised here are the before and after pictures of Drew's going away present.
It wasn't all that hard but it was definitely time consuming and I should probably apologize to Helen for giving her a hairy chest. The important thing is Drew loved it and I'm happy to send him off to Chicago with a picture of the admin staff he worked with. I think he loves it even more than the fellowship he got. That's what I'm telling myself...
Posted by
E to the M
1:27 AM
Happy Birthday!
Reba's birthday was over a month ago but tonight we had her surprise birthday party. Even though almost everybody involved was a terrible liar we managed to pull it off. She got so many gift cards for one of our lys I think she'll be well supplied for the coming months.
14 May 2005
Reasons that I loved the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy movie:
- Knitting
- The first computer game I ever played (on our old TRS-80) was a text hg2tg game. It was loads of fun to sit there typing thigs like, "get robe" "wear robe" look in right pocket" "get analgesic" "take analgesic" "go NW" etc...
- The Guide has the best GUI ever.
- Mos Def is my boyfriend.
- Nostalgia, plain and simple. I loved the books and it was great to see what I had been imagining up on the big screen
Posted by
E to the M
2:38 PM
Holey Moley
Here's that picture of Elah with her backpack. Too bad I've already been trying to talk her into letting me use it. Looks like I'll be making another one...damn.
On another note Elah's been asking me to make her a dress out of sparkly red yarn. Unfortunately I have no desire to make a dress and the girl grows so fast that I think it wouldn't fit into it by the time I got it done. So as a compromise I am making her the holey moley poncho from Knitty. Pictures to follow.
11 May 2005
Whenever I say "finally" I get that song stuck in my head. Damn it!
So I am finally done with the Punk Rock Backpack from the first Stitch 'n Bitch. I told myself I'd never do another one but it's so cute and now I want one for myself. The knitting was fine, even the intarsia, but I have to saw I hate sewing; both machine and hand of which I had to do both. When Elah comes home tomorrow I'll post a pic of her wearing her new backpack.
05 May 2005
Happy Dance
My classes are done, unh unh unh. I swear if I could River Dance I'd be doing it now. OK, maybe not but I at least feel like showing off my sweet dancing skills like a certain moon boot wearing Iowan of which I know. If I were a true nerd this is where I'd insert some robot dancing ASCII art.
I was also really excited to take the summer off and have no homework. That didn't last long, I signed up for two classes yesterday. But I don't have to write any papers for either of the classes and one is an entry level graphic design class - mostly Photoshop how to- and will be a cake walk. What exactly is a cake walk?
Elah is home from her dad's and I've been working on a Photoshopped going away present for Drew (I'll post a before and after when I'm done). I cannot wait for this weekend - not only do I get to Stitch 'n Bitch but Silk is coming to town and I haven't seen my little brother in a very long time.